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I have been listening to Pastor Bill Winston’s teachings on the Kingdom of God since January 2014. I started sowing seeds into his ministry as well as several other ministries as I was led by the Holy Spirit. In May 2014, I was blessed to get a government job within the State of California. A couple of months later, I received a raise. Four months later, I received a promotion making three times as much money! I declared, decreed and claimed by faith these positions as well as sowed seeds

Your ministry has blessed me so much. I asked God for a job with specific attributes like Veronica Winston did and God met me exactly with a job that had all of the attributes I requested and better. The job helped with some unexpected expenses just in time. Thank you so much!

I told God that I wanted to increase my monetary giving to the kingdom and increase my personal library of kingdom teachings. I rearranged my budget to allow more seed to be sown, and in four months my income increased by 25%. Now my sowing and my library of kingdom teachings are growing faster than ever before.

I attended the IFC 2013. I'm a physician-I put in a large seed believing God. I wrote out my job description and confessed it every day. My prayer was for a new job making double and 15 minutes from home. I've been working 90 miles away from home and family and had to rent an apartment because it is too far to drive home every day. The Holy Spirit prompted me to call a former colleague. He said a job just opened and we want you to come!. It's a promotion and 15 minutes away from home. Praise GOD!!!

This October Fast I gave things that would distract me from God's word. On day 1 my car 'Overheated' while giving someone a jump & two attacks on my finances where they were talking about wage garnishment from an already small check. Teachings I've gotten from Pastor Winston aka Billionaire Bill, helped me to focus on God's promises and not the problem. By faith EVERY issue was revolved. Car needed no repairs, issue just corrected & finance issue was reversed. The God kinda faith said ALL is well.

He would open a door. Earlier this year, a position became available; I applied, but was not chosen. Brother Winston shared the testimony about making our prayers specific & said how God is able to create a position. A few months later, that position was created through another dept. within the same company. I applied & was hired. Deployed for His glory.

 Janie P
Praise the Lord! In July 2012 I got bit by a mosquitoes while in Memphis, TN. Ten days later I started to lose my memory and just stayed in bed. Finally my family took me to the hospital where I was diagnosed with the West Niles Virus. The first week in the hospital I didn't know who I was; my brain and liver was swollen and I couldn't walk. The second week I started to come around and was able to sit up and start occupational therapy. The third week I began physical therapy to learn how to walk using a wheel chair, and walker. After being discharged I had nine more weeks of physical therapy. I came to church went up for prayer the brother said, you don't need the walker or the wheelchair start walking. I started walking without the walker and the wheelchair is still at the church. To make a long story short I didn't learn how to pray God's Word until I came to Living Word, and about six months prior to that illness I was praying mostly healing scriptures. I might not have survived such a brutal attack against my body, if I had not been taught to pray the word. Now I know that praying God's Word brings results. God is so good, and He does what His Word says!

Good Report. I was to tune into the Sunday service I think the end of March where Pastor Bill said "Turn Around" for us and we physically turned around in faith for our turn around, the next day I received a call for an interview for a job I wanted in Phoenix AZ with the VA there. I interviewed the next week for the job, that was something else, I said Lord You are the only one that can get me that job and I claimed His favor and Divine intervention for it. I got the job offer.

I want to THANK God for allowing you to teach us how to put the Word to work on our behalf. I am DEBT FREE!!! I've had this debt for almost 11 years, always trying to play catch up and getting charged with late charges and interest rates. I owe NO MAN. My finances are free to be able to supply the Kingdom. I serve a GOD that’s MORE than enough. I've learned how to talk TO that mountain of DEBT and it has obeyed me and is now in the SEA. I am NO longer Bound in JESUS NAME!!!! Yippppeeeeeee.

On Monday, March 18, 2013, my daughter gave me $300 to pay on a $1800 debt from her former school. I needed to talk to someone about this debt because I did not understand where it came from and why my daughter had to pay it. The LORD used a very nice lady who knew me from past visits to the school to set up a meeting with the Assistant Administrator. He discovered that due to a series of mistakes made by the school and the bank, late fees were accumulating on this erroneous debt every month. While the Administrator talked with his boss about the problem,the Holy Spirit sent me over to the Financial Aid Department to get even more clarification. The more the financial aid representative explained to me, the more the devil was being exposed! I went home to search my email for the letter that they had supposedly sent regarding this matter and while walking to the car I spoke and decreed these words, “Devil, you have been exposed and you've got to pay my daughter back seven times, now in JESUS’ NAME!” I told my daughter to stand in agreement with me believing God for total debt cancellation, in Jesus’ Name. The result: On the next day,I received correspondence explaining there was an error made by the Financial Aid office. The late fees on the account were waived and the Financial Aid awarded a one-time grant of $1,234.00 to her account, bringing the debt balance to zero.All I have to say is…THANK YOU JESUS!! Amen!!

We serve an awesome God! Praise the Lord, I have two testimonies to share. The first, I received two refund checks on the same day in December 2012, both giving the same reason for the refund… over payment! Chase Bank refunded me for property tax in the amount of $359.77. Another check was received from Medicare in the amount of $1,616.00. Also, I was informed that my monthly pension check would increase in the amount of $200.99 per month. Testimony #2, I had my annual mammogram in November 2012. Two weeks later I received a letter from South Suburban Hospital that I needed to take an ultrasound of the right breast because there was a change since my last x-ray. I submitted to their suggestion and had the ultra sound done. During the ultra sound the technician and doctor could not agree! The doctor and technician ordered a biopsy right away. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Get a second opinion.” I was sent to Christ Hospital Woman’s Breast Care. Their doctor reviewed the past and present x-rays. He saw a dark spot on the breast that didn't look cancerous but could be a cyst forming. He suggested a biopsy which I submitted to. While being amined after 30 minutes, the technician could not find the spot that was seen earlier on the ultrasound. He said, “How can we test something that is not here! You must have had people praying for you.” I replied, “Praise the Lord, Jesus is My Healer.” The technician had me to wait while she told the doctor. She returned and told me that I could leave and the doctor wanted to see me in 6 months for a regular check-up. We serve an awesome God!

I praise God because He is forever faithful to His promises! I have been a member of LWCC for over 10 years. I have listened to Pastor Winston’s giving & tithing messages faithfully. However, I always wondered when I would receive my financial breakthrough / harvest. In July 2010, I received a notice from the medical residency program which I attended stating that they were filing with the IRS to claim FICA tax refunds on behalf of each resident for the 3 year period of our program. I signed the consent form and I thought I would receive a refund within a few weeks. However it did not happen. I soon forgot about it thinking it was just “one of those things”. But on December 21, 2012, I received a check in the mail for the FICA refund plus interest in the amount of $11,909.42!! I was dazed and amazed; I immediately tithed the 10% plus I also gave my missions offering of $1000 which I had been believing God for. I praise God because He is forever faithful to His promises! Amen and Amen!

I will never be the same, because of my encounter and divine experience with Living Word Christian Center. Dear Pastors, What a blessing you are! My name is Glovinia H., currently I reside in the Washington DC metropolitan area. I am a member of Harvest International Life Church, Woodbridge, Virginia, Bishop and Pastor Dukes are the dynamic leaders and pastors. While spending holiday time with my mother, I had the blessed opportunity to visit Living Word Church, Sunday, December December 30th and New Year’s Eve. The service was a tremendous blessing and I wanted to mention that I believe I was empowered to move forward in 2013. The proclamation, decree and provision of the release have propelled me into a deeper realm of faith, and I want to thank you for your dynamic apostolic prophetic ministry. The order and presence of strong leadership was ingrained in my mind and thoughts as I experienced both services. Being greeted at the door and ushered by such a strong male presence provided an even greater sense of God’s power and protection. The praise was inspiring. The youth drill team brought tears to my eyes as they proclaimed and affirmed greatness. Dr. Winston you preached the Word with power, authority and clarity. I will never be the same, because of my encounter and divine experience with Living Word Christian Center. As I have shared my experience with others -I have taken the liberty to add “if you want to be rich attend Living you partake of and practice the living word that is delivered there” I had a wonderful time and feel honored to have had the opportunity to bring in the New Year with your dynamic church. Again thank you thank you thank you! Also thank you for the fruit gift bag -an unexpected blessing. My the Lord continue to bless the both of you as you continue in your kingdom endeavors.

As he was singing, my father rose up and lifted his hands up to God and said “Lord Save Me.” My f a t h e r Willie Dill had been suffering w i t h dementia for several years and had been in a nursing home in Cleveland, Ohio. I had not seen my father for several years but kept in touch at least once a week, as well as with the staff at the nursing home. One day I contacted my parents and could not reach them so I contacted the nursing home and found out that my father was in the hospital. He had been having problems with gout. On September 3rd, I received a phone call that my father’s vitals were failing. He was in critical condition. That day I went to Cleveland and went straight to the hospital. I spoke first with the nurse then went to his room. My father knew I was there and tried to open his eyes but could not. I sat down beside him and prayed in the Spirit. The next day my stepmother, brother and I went back to the hospital and straight to my father’s room. I stopped to speak to his nurse and she said that my father had been sitting up, eating a little, speaking a little and even had his eyes open. She said she had never seen anything like that for a person in his condition. I told her that it is the power of prayer. On my way to my father’s room, I could hear laughter and happiness. My brother’s friend started singing a gospel song. As he was singing, my father rose up and lifted his hands up to God and said Lord “save me”. Immediately we all started praising the Lord! In all my life I never saw or heard my father speak or lift his hands to God. I soon returned home and received a phone call a few days later that my father was returning to the nursing home. On September 30th, I spoke with my dad and he told me that he loved me madly. On October 5th, my father went to be with the Lord. My father was a WWII combat vet buried with full military honors and saluted in the Veteran cemetery in Ohio. I praise and thank God for making it possible for me to see and hear my father accept the Lord as his Savior and to say good-bye. I thank God for Pastor Winston and his ministry. The word of grace abounds in me and I have peace!

In June 2011, I was recommended for a job at a highly esteemed association. An offer was extended and I accepted the position. My direct supervisor was under a lot of stress because of office politics and struggles in his personal life and I became the outlet for his frustration. During this time I could recall Pastor Winston saying the importance of prayer for leadership and the necessity to stay under authority. So, I began to pray for his success as a leader and a joyous personal life without letting anyone know I was doing so. It seemed like the more I prayed for him, the worse his attitude became towards me. I continued to pray and stand on the word. I was in my position 57 days and then terminated through no fault of my own. I felt such a relief, because I know that I performed to the best of my ability and stayed under authority despite trying circumstances. The Lord led me to a position that was out of my comfort zone and far beneath my salary expectations. Then I heard Pastor Barnett say, “When God opens a door for you, go because you don’t know the next time that door will open.” So, I stepped out on faith and accepted the position as God told me to. I was faithful, diligent and obedient to God’s Word and the assignment He gave me; in return God opened another door for me. I was offered and accepted a position in line with the purpose God has for me making $6,000 more than my original job, with tons of growth opportunity, flexible working hours and a supportive and encouraging supervisor. Now, I truly understand that our labor is in the word. If you just trust God, read the word and get it down inside of you it will manifest. Thank you Jesus!

On June 21, 2011, I received a Pap Test from my doctor. I was called back on July 12, 2011, when I was told that I had cervical cancer. On October 5, 2011, I visited my 96 year old mom for a friendly game of Bingo and dinner. On the way home, my car seemed to know where it was going and I ended up at Living Word Christian Center where Pastor Bill Winston announced that this was a healing service. At the conclusion Pastor Winston turned in my direction and announced that anyone diagnosed with cancer should come up for special prayer. “The Holy Spirit is telling me to anoint your temples,” he said as I approached. He applied the holy oil and said some powerful words and I fell. But I felt light as a feather. Suddenly everything went black and then laying there my consciousness returned and I began to tremble. I was aware that something was being rearranged in my mind. On December 6, 2011, during a follow-up visit to the oncologist, I was told that the biopsy that had been previously taken showed NO SIGN OF CANCER! Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus!

 Jayla T.
I am 10 years old. I had got a really painful sickness in my stomach. I had to go to Weiss Children Memorial Hospital. I am better now! I love Pastor Winston! God Bless you!

 Katherine M.
I love the Word that comes from your ministry. It is life changing. I have been blessed by the prayers that you have posted on your website. I had a situation arise with my children and I did not know how to pray. God directed me to your website tonight. I found the prayers that I needed. The exact words and scriptures I needed to speak and to stand on for my situation and my children's. Thank you so very much!

 Barbara W.
The God Factor is awesome. Pastor Winston I'm going to order this tape. You (Pastor Winston) are truly a God sent man.

 Nnamdi C.
I should have given this testimony a long while ago, but I did to my local brethren. In 2008, Dr. Winston preached on faith at the pastors and ministers conference held at Canaanland that is at Bishop David Oyedepo's church. I was in that service and my car had a leaking gas tank. Since it was leaking in drops I decided that after the service I will take it to the mechanics to drop the tank and weld the leakage. But after listening to the man give his testimony about his car in the snow which he spoke to and it eventually started without him paying the tow guys who jump started it for others. I stepped outside the service and quietly went to my car and began to speak to the fuel tank. After this I left the car for a while, trying not to look back at it. After lunch I went back and checked and behold heavenly mechanics had soldered the leakage without my having to pay a dime. I have since then sowed the car into another brethren's life and each time I see them driving the car I give glory to God. Hallelujah to Jesus for this awesome testimony.

In December 2009, my doctor referred me to a kidney specialist, because she detected abnormal amounts of protein in my urine. I first saw him in January 2011, and after a series of visits and exams, he put me on medication in June 2010 to treat the problem. Six weeks later, I was diagnosed with acute kidney failure, was hospitalized, and put on dialysis. I never felt sick, and felt no pain, so everything was very confusing. I was healthy enough to get on the transplant list in Dec 2010, but the estimated wait for a new kidney is about five years. I was angry at the world, fell into depression, and there were many days where I just stayed at home, lying in bed, wondering why this was happening to me. The disease and dialysis treatments left me very tired and nauseous almost every day. My wife Felecia kept praying with me, especially in the middle of the night when I could not sleep. I shared my situation with members of LWCC, and they prayed with me. One sister told me that she felt in her spirit that I would get a new kidney by the end of this year. On the day after my birthday (Jan. 23), I posted on my Facebook page that I was doing much better this year than last, but I still had kidney disease and needed a new kidney. Three days later, a former co-worker who I hadn't seen or talked to in 5 years called me and said he'd seen my update on Facebook, and he wanted to donate one of his kidneys to me, and we're having transplant surgery on March 16. God has truly blessed me exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask or think!

Recently I completed a project at work. The project started in October 2011 and was successfully implemented in May 2012. This may not seem like a big deal but here is the miraculous aspect of this project. It required at least two technical people in addition to either a Business Analyst or a Project Manager; however I was the only resource on the project. The successful implementation of the project was a miracle. As I look back over the project I am awed by the power of God as He led me step by step through each aspect of the project. There were three main phases to the implementation of the project. At each phase the enemy screamed in my ear, “it is going to fail, then what are you going to do?” God led me successfully through each phase, in other words Daddy knocked it out of the park. The next week the counterattack came when I needed to have a change made in the production environment. The resource I needed was out of the office and the users were asking for the change. I had the power to make the change but I did not have the authority, in fact making the change could have caused me to lose my job. The enemy whispered in my ear, “no one will know and you can help the user”. As soon as I heard “no one will know”, I knew the enemy was talking and with the help of God, I was able to resist the temptation. Thank you Pastor Winston for teaching us about our full potential. If you had not, I would have gone to my manager and told him this project was too much for me. Instead I confessed I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Glory to God the project was smoothly and successfully implemented.

 Moon G.

 Deanna H.
When I started reading the prayers and confessions listed on your website, something came over me. The holy spirit is really moving strong in my life so much comfort, joy, peace, strength has entered into my spirit. All is well and I fear nothing. God knows all and is moving mightly on my behalf, as god release the power of his word in my life, things are truly changing. I hear from more clearly then ever before. Thank you for all you do for the body of Christ in Jesus Name. Amen.

Last year I was taking lessons with a driving school to get my license. One day while out on the road, we found ourselves in the lane to the left of a large semi-trailer. The instructor informed me that I was in the middle of the truck’s “blind spot” and although we could see him, he could not see us at all. He gave me the choice of either moving ahead in our lane or dropping back to get out of the truck’s “blind spot”. Immediately I knew that I had to drop back and did so quickly, not sure the driver even had time to signal, it happened so quickly. We learned as we drove on that emergency vehicles and a disabled car were partially in the truck’s path ahead of him. Being in the lane to the left of that truck, we hadn’t seen this until we’d passed by. I realized that if I had tried to move ahead from that original “blind spot” area instead of dropping back, that we likely would not have made it. I believe that the Holy Spirit spoke to me, revealing what to do. Praise God! Angels encamp around us! Psalms 91:10 says that “no evil shall befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent” (Amp) Thank you Jesus!

One Sunday as service was coming to a close, Pastor said, “all the child support owed you is coming to you”. I received that because my former husband had not paid child support for about three years at least. Not too long after that my former husband called me and said he was sending all the child support that he owed the children and that came up to $10,000. I give all the glory to God for His faithfulness and I know He is about to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can ask or think according to my faith which I know is working mightily in me. I thank Pastor Winston for his faithfulness to preaching the truth to us without compromise.

 Marvin L.
Just a few words to say, Thank You, and that I appreciate the work you have begun in Tuskegee. You and your ministry there are an answer to my prayers and I am sure, the prayers of many others. Thank you again for eyes that are atuned to the kingdom.

 Lynda B.
I rush home each Wednesday to watch Pastor Winston's bible study on the Internet. Last night, Aug. 3, 2011, the Pastor called for healing. He said if you have arthritis, heel pain and knee pain, you are healed, in Jesus' name. My knee and heel felt better instantly! I live on the 3rd floor, and when I went down the steps this morning to go to work, I didn't experience ANY pain in my knees like I normally do. (I'm 53)...God healed me right over the Internet! He spoke new teeth,and God is faithful.

 Corrine M.
Praise the Lord for He is good Amen!! I emailed you yesterday to stand with me in prayer as I was going for my driving test today. I usually get nervous and make mistakes, but I stood on the promise 'I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me' and as always our Lord was faithful to his promises. Thank you for praying with me and God bless you all Amen. Words can't express how greatful I am for Jesus...he reigns forever and ever!!! Jesus NEVER fails Amen!!! God bless you!


 Kwabena A.
Am writing to thank the Most High God and His love son Jesus, the Christ for this testimony. I requested for instant healing of the noise in my ear and a heart beat which wasn't normal. I received instant healing (miracle) right after my request was submitted. That day I felt some uncomfortable movements in these two areas of my body but I kept my cool. From then on am able to sleep without any noise, hallelujah. Bless be to the B. W. Ministries to keep on helping the needy in the name of Jesus


 Greg & Linda P.
During 2012 New Years celebration,Pastor Winston Decreed a year of Harvest For God's people and to go back 10 years to get ALL that the ememy has stolen from us. The harvest for us began on 1/25/2012,(a time of severe trial in our marriage) God created a job for Linda through the Rockford School District as a "Building Support Specialist" with a $30,000.00 (9 month) Salary, which will be pro-rated from 9/2011 to 6/2012!!!!! Tonite 2/8/12 Pastor said "Faith will make a Job!"

Testamony time!!! Yesterday I watched your TV program and was excited about the prayer of redemption that you prayed. I immediately claimed the promises. I wanted inventions, and witting ideas to promote the kingdom. Last night about 2:30 I woke up to spend time with God. Suddenly ideas started coming into my head. It was awesome. At first I just listened, then I heard in my spirit - WRITE THIS DOWN!!!! I did. Now I am praying to get the rest of the direction. WOW!!!! WHAT A NIGHT!!!

 Desiree J.
Dear, Pastor Winston thank you so much for being the man of God that you are. God has truly been blessing me. I God has blessed me with a job after I had been out of work for a year. God blessed me with the man of my dreams and we are looking to get married soon. God has also blessed me to be able to afford a beautiful fully furnished apartment in a nice area.I feel like I am living in the Garden of Eden. I am so happy everyday I wake up because I don't know what God is going to do next.

 David S.
Sowing seed into great ground and having strong faith manifested the following: 2 years ago I lost a six-figure income, but easily transitioned into another career through which the Lord has sustained me and my family, even though my income was cut in half. One month ago I started confessing John 4:38 (Wealth Transfer). I also stand on the Favor Confession. My company called me in and transferred (7) accounts from a previous representative, to me. A policy and rule was changed for this! GLORY!!

 Christine A.
I live in NY, and stream in live every week for the Wednesday evening broadcst, I love Bill Winston teachings it brings me back to my roots. Wedns. was a healing service, Bill had called out knees, hips, and nerve damage restored, I claimed the healing as soon as I heard him speak it out. The next day I noticed strength to my leg and no stiffness, weakness and no pain.... for the first time in a long, long time I was able to run up stairs, walk with no pain in my hip or knee....

 LaToya C.
I cant select a lot of catagories, however God has moved in my life in different areas. He's been good. More joy! More peace, the God of Too Much! El Shaddai is moving there is no lack! Only Abundance! My faith is on fire! My confessions made by faith are coming to past in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit! Oh Master I praise your name on high! I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and my life will never be the same!!!!!

 Sharon C.
Monday Feb. 20th my engine light was on and for about 2 days I drove it with the light on. My mechanic told me to let them do a diagnostic. I never took it in. I sought God about what to do and God told me to get anointing oil and anoint my car. So I did what the Lord said do on Thursday. I didn't start it up until Saturday late afternoon. No engine light came on and I drove it to church on Sunday and drove it today. There is no engine light on. Hallelujah for God's supernatural power!

 Marcus & Juvy R.
We were scheduled to complete a 3-day training to do specialized couples ministry in Orlando, Florida. We bought our airfare and hotel but needed someone to provide childcare for Zoe, our 3 year old. I said, “Lord we need a nanny to go with us and take care of Zoe while we’re in training.” A few days later, a trusted colleague asked if we were still going to Orlando for training. She told me that she was going to visit her family in Orlando and would watch Zoe for us. God provided excellent care for Zoe with more benefits than we could pay. Zoe’s nanny took her to a couple of amusement parks and cared for her at no charge! At another time, my wife and I had been praying and confessing the Word of God taught by Pastor Winston. I received an e-mail from a store corporation stating that I was a recipient of a gift card. I started to delete it as “spam” but decided to have my wife read it to see if she wanted to submit the information they requested. My wife followed up on it by providing a few simple pieces of information that verified who I was. About a month later, we received a $500 gift card in the mail. Praise the Lord! 


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"And I will do [I Myself will grant] whatever you ask in My Name [as]presenting all that I Am], so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in (through) the Son." - John 14:13 (Amplified Bible-AMP)